Monday, September 28, 2015

The Right Mindset Is In The Grey Matter

I’m resurrecting my blog with the following submission because after 9 years of teaching alternative financial models I’ve discovered the critical challenge consumer’s face when trying to absorb and understand the concepts I teach; it is their mindset.  If we are to learn anything new, whether it be a new golf swing or financial concept our minds need to be open to accepting something new and unfamiliar, regardless of how contrarian it might appear.  If we are to allow our minds and our beliefs to accept something new we need to be in the right frame of mind.  Our mindset must tell us; “listen up and pay attention, this could be good”.  

Have you ever noticed how extreme we get with many of the decisions we make in our life?  There seems to be no middle ground once we’ve made our decision.  We tend to gravitate to and then live at the extremities of our beliefs.  Our world becomes black or white; no middle ground.  When our beliefs live at one end of the spectrum or another our beliefs become permanent and we tend to defend that position with all of our might.  In our vane effort to protect our pride, ego or image, human nature disallows us to deviate from our decisions because deviation equates to an element of failure. This life of extremes prevails with our financial decisions, especially so when the discussion turns to our debt management decisions. In fact, when the debt discussion comes into play often time’s people will hold on to that black or white extreme like it was their first born child.  The chosen methodology or strategy becomes the immovable foundation of their debt management and debt repayment strategies. 

You may have heard in the past that ALL debt is bad.  This is a good example of an extreme mentality.  People who live at this end of the spectrum believe they are categorically correct (ALL debt is bad) and there’s nothing you can say to convince them otherwise.  Do you know anyone like this?  It’s hard to have a meaningful conversation with this type of person.  But, if they’re extremism is so right and everyone should live to that extreme then what argument is there for millionaires who don’t have debt (consumer/installment debt), but they have mortgages?  From the ‘ALL debt is bad’ extreme; are millionaires financially inept because they carry mortgage debt? Such a heavy handed stance indicates an equally extreme level of arrogance and ignorance.  One of my favorite sayings is by Dr. Wayne Dwyer:   “The highest form of ignorance is to reject something you know nothing about.”

I’ve heard well respected financial “guru’s” say; “any 65 year old with any mortgage debt is an idiot”.  I believe anyone who makes such a statement has no compassion or understanding for the human condition.  If a 65 year old has mortgage debt there is more than likely a good reason.  There are 101 circumstantial reasons a 65 year old has mortgage debt, but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t in his initial financial plans. If any one consumer has mortgage debt that late in life I can promise you it was due to circumstance, whether it is planned or unplanned.  The point; making that kind of extreme judgment on an individual without first learning about and understanding their human condition is appalling. 

Here’s the rub; we live within and life exists between the extremes.  Nothing in life resides at the extreme black or white end of the spectrum.  We live in the grey matter and we continually gravitate within the shades of grey as we manage our way thru life.  Take a quick inventory of your debt management beliefs.  Do you live by one extreme and discount all others?  Can you gravitate towards middle ground to get a better perspective of your options and how to compare the two? Mentally notate those beliefs that live at the rigid extremes and recognize their limitations.  You may already exist in the grey matter with your investments.  You have to do the same on the debt side of the ledger if you want better results. 
When the decision process resides within the grey matter you have more clarity and it is easier to compare and contrast without extreme prejudice.  When you stand right in the middle and approach life’s decisions from a balanced perspective you have an equal view of each extreme, of each argument.  A balanced perspective allows new light to shine in from both sides.  A clear vision of the pro’s and con’s of each precipitates a decision that fits your particular circumstance or situation as opposed to force fitting the extreme into a world it may not belong.  We learned this at a very early age: don’t force the puzzle piece to fit, find the one that fits just right.  To do this you have to look at all of the puzzle pieces, not just the piece in your hand.

When it comes to decisions about debt management and debt repayment force yourself to reside in the grey matter before making your decisions.  Stand in the middle. Don’t be swayed by those who advise from the extremities.  Look at your options without extreme influence.  Recognize that extreme choices are inflexible and intolerant.  Living within extreme conditions ultimately lead to limited results and limited possibilities.  Stand in the middle and let some new light shine on your beliefs. With new light comes new perspective.  A new perspective will present opportunities that may have not been visible from extremes. 
The truth is in the proof!


Saturday, August 11, 2012

3rd grade math, 7th grade reading

What we know about banking and borrowing is as old as Bloodletting.

Below is an excerpt of one of the most compelling explanations of why conventional debt relief programs aren't as efficient as they could be.

Getting more out of your finances is simply a matter of adopting a better method of personal finance.

Read this excerpt of the eBook: Offset Accounting; The Principles behind Equity Optimization. Learn the science behind the math of the Equity AdvantageTM.

I think we can all agree; financially our country is in the toilet. The good news; we’ll bounce back. We always do.

In the mean time, while we wait for the boys in Washington and Wall Street to figure out how to play together, we have to focus on our personal economies. We need to make sure we’re doing everything possible for ourselves to counter rising costs and the continued attacks on our income, like bank fees and interest.

If there is a magic pill for our financial woes, offset accounting is it. Implementation and deployment will transform your life. It’s been tested and proven. There is no need to fear it. Tens of thousands before you have proven its validity and worth. You can change the financial landscape of your family for generations if you so desired. (Who wouldn't if they could?) This is truly a game changer in the world of personal finance.

 Follow this link to read the best ebook you'll ever read about the secrets behind the math:
Offset Accounting: The science behind the math.

Copy and past this URL if necessary.
It’s 3rd Grade Math and 7th Grade Reading.

The Truth is in the Proof!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Protecting a life you've a life time building.

We realize many of you fear or misunderstand our program, but if you have a sincere interest in finding a solution to a long term problem, ie: a 30 year mortgage, then you will appreciate the following information. That being said...

This new fangled concept of paying your mortgage off in an unrealistic time frame is so outrageous that most American's deem it a sham or far too good to be true. Though it is also a concept that most people want to believe to be true becasue a conventioanl mortgage has become a burned that most will carry to the grave. We talk to hundreds of homeowners every month and we are continually asked; “What are the pitfalls?” “What is the downside?” There are a couple of pitfalls that need to be considered, but I am only going to address the most popular; variable interest rate.

We are acutely aware of the rate environment within this strategy. This is why we consider interest rate the predominate factor in determining whether or not we recommend implementation of the Equity Advantage™. We maintain the right to refuse service if under an aggressive rate posture the payoff projections do not benefit the homeowner.

We can all agree that most of the financial advice we receive tells us to avoid any loan like the plague if the interest rate is not fixed. However, what we don't hear and more importantly, what is most misunderstood is this; the repayment terms have more impact on the payment then the interest rate. Interest rate is only the mechanism by which the monthly payment is calculated. The outstanding balance is the critical factor in determining the monthly payment. For example, if you have a 3/1 Adjustable Rate Mortgage (3 year fixed rate, 27 year adjustable) and you are facing a rate adjustment, the new payment will be calculated on 97% of what you originally borrowed and amortized over the remaining 27 year term. Increased rate, high balance and a shorter term results in a disastrous impact on your monthly finances. You might as well have taken the higher rate when you originally obtained the loan and avoided the adjustable rate feature all together. However...

If you currently have a ARM mortgage, HANG ON TO IT!!! I continually hear reports about the interest rate on ARM's falling below 3.0%. ARM adjustments have fallen so much because the index, one of the numbers used to determine the interest rate your payment is calculated from are at all time lows and should remain that way for the unforeseeable future. Keep that loan! Contact us if you are curious as to why we would make that suggestion. Send your inquiry to

Back to the example above; if you had the opportunity to reduce the balance by 15%-20% in three years instead of only 3% your payment would drop dramatically because your payment is calculated on a much lower balance. The rate increases won't be able to negatively affect your payment if you can control the balance. Test this theory for yourself. Find a mortgage caclulator online and play with the balance, rate and term to see how the loan would perform if you could drop the balance significantly on a yearly basis. Again, contact us if you need some help with this exercise,

When you submitted your financial information to us we repsonded with a Debt Free Index(DFI); You could be debt free in 5 years and 3 months. Your DFI or payoff term projection included continual rate increase of .50% at 12 months intervals. What this means to you? We have already taken an aggressive rate posture in a preemptive attempt to disqualify you from participation. We work harder to keep you out of the program than we do to get you involved. I'll say it again, and it is taken very seriously here; We are not in the business of destroying a life you have spent a life time trying to build.

If you have a better understanding of the relationship between interest rate and loan balance you will see opportunities present themselves where previously there was none. It's simple math and is nothing to fear. I encourage you to continue your discovery of this incredible strategy. Taking complete control of your finances is much, much easier than you realize.

Continue your journey by emailing me so I can put you in touch with one of our staff. And speaking of our staff; you'd be hard pressed to find anyone in the country who is more qualifed or dedicated to your success. I can always be reached at or call me directly at 352-232-1751.
The Truth is in the Proof.

Friday, July 22, 2011

What happens if...on August 2nd the US defaults?

What happens if the US defaults on their obligations come August 2nd?

Well, Charles Plosser, president of the Philadelphia Federal Reserve Bank says, "It could be very bad.” He goes on to say; “At some level we don't really know what the consequences could be. It could be very serious. It could be less serious. Do we really want to run that experiment?"

Read that again: could be bad, we really don’t know the consequences, could be very serious or less serious. Huh???

Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke last week warned that a default could have "catastrophic" effects on financial markets. I’ve been searching the internet for Bernanke’s explanation of the ‘results’ of catastrophic effects. I have yet to find his answer. If you can find anything definitive please pass along the link.

There are however a multitude of journalistic financial “experts” and an equal number of “economists” who seem to know exactly the results of “catastrophic” effects. How do these guys know exactly what is going to happen? They didn't get it out of a text book. The Great Depression can't give any real clues to what happens when the richest, most powerful economy on the globe goes belly up. Remember, it was the stock market crash, not a bankrupt government that caused the Depression. There's a huge difference. I think the talking heads keep talking to justify their own existence, but I really don't believe they have a clue either. And if they do then why aren't they giving any solutions to the problem. If they all know what is going to happen then why aren't they offering any solutions. Are there no solutions? If these catastrophic events are going to occur what are they planning for their own families and friends? Are they hoarding food, water, battery's, seeds and ammunition? Are they liquidating everything so as to have enough cash to survive the onslaught? You get me here? Doom and Gloom all day long. Democrats and Republicans bickering over the last piece of pie at Thanksgiving. Even the proposals out of Washington aren't going to help you and me. They will only make our lives harder while those piss ants in Washington continue to play in their exclusive club. I'm sick and tired of it and I want answers. I want solutions, not political rhetoric and pandering.

So, the defecation hits the rotary oscillator on August 2nd now what? Real life will continue and our personal economies will be effected one way or the other so what gets hit first. Rising interest rates is a popular choice and a catastrophe just about everyone can agree on, but what interest rates specifically? Have you noticed all the talking heads just say "interest rates", but don't get specific. Are they referring to conventional mortgage rates, the Prime rate Discount rate, Treasury rates, credit card rates, all rates? Give us a clue guys so we can plan accordingly.

Will conventional mortgage rates rise? Probably, they can’t get much lower, so how much are they going to go up? And if they do will that affect you? Only if you have to refinance or move, but if you already have your low rate then what does that really mean to you? Really, will it affect your day-to-day life? Probably no more than if Starbuck's raised the cost of a double shot Mocha.

Will the Prime Rate rise? Well, it can’t get any lower either so it will probably go up too, but by how much? Well, first of all we know the Prime rate, Fed Funds rate and the Discount rate collectively can be considered the accelerator pedal of the economy. Right now the Feds have it pushed to the floor (lowest possible rates) to keep the economy moving. Now if the pedal is pushed to the floor imagine what would happen if Uncle Ben (Bernanke) pulled his foot right off the pedal (increased rates) and increased interest rates by 1%, 2% or even 3%? Seriously, what do you think would happen? Same reaction as a vehicle; the US economy would come to a grinding halt. The economy would come to a dead stop, but without any coasting. It would be more like you slamming on your breaks at 50 mph 20 feet in front of a stop sign at a busy intersection. Now that would create catastrophic results. Do you think the Fed wants to see that happen?

My take on the current economic situation is this; nobody has a clue what is going to happen. We’ve never been here before so how can anyone predict the future if there is no historical data to base a decision? If Washington doesn’t make a ‘debt’ decision on August 2nd what will happen August 3rd? When our alarms go off that morning will we all take a deep breath and peak thru the curtains to see if our world looks the same? And if they don’t make a decision will the effects be the same as an atomic bomb being dropped on the country? What if there is resolution by say the 4th or 5th? Will that make a difference and make everything ok? Please tell me, give me specifics because I really want to know WHAT IS GOING TO TAKE PLACE IF THE BOYS IN WASHINGTON CAN’T GET THEIR S*@T TOGETHER???

I know one thing for sure, on August 2nd and pretty much every day there after I am going to get up, visit the bathroom, go start a pot of coffee, take a shower and head to my desk. I will continue teaching people how to take control of their financial lives. To help them get more out of what they own and what they earn so no matter what Uncle Ben and Cousin Timothy (Geithner) do, my customers will have a leg up because they were proactive with their financial decisions and theior families futures. You see that’s what needs to happen if you plan on surviving on your own terms. You really need to take control of your own economy so you can counter the effects of “Washington’s” economy. That's right; it's not "our" economy because we have nothing to say about it, it is "Washington's economy. But there is "your" economy and you have all the power to make your own decisions regarding the day-to-day operations of your personal economy. We hope you make the decision to control your economy so Washington's economy doesn't bring you down with them.

If you’re going to wait for the boys in Washington to plan your financial future then you are in for a long hard life. You see, if you are reactive to their plans then you have no other choice but to take what they give you. However, if you are proactive and take precautionary measures that can counter act their ill-advised, misdirected plans then you have a much better chance of maintaining control, freedom and authority over your finances.

What happens in the "Nation's Economy" isn't nearly as important as what happens in "Your Economy." Visit if you REALLY want to be a free thinking, independent citizen.
The Truth is in the Proof!

Friday, June 17, 2011

The Nations economy vs. Your economy

“What happens in the nation’s economy isn’t nearly as important as what happens in your economy.”

Recent talk of economic blips and double dips may be considered critical news as it relates to the overall economy, but it may just be water-cooler fodder for most American’s.

Monday thru Friday American’s aren’t losing sleep over ‘double dip’ economic news; most American’s don’t even know what that means. American’s, regardless of financial means or stature, are freaking out about inflation and the rising cost of basic needs. Their fears and concerns hover around the rising cost of gas, food and insurance. They want to know how to stop or at least control the beast that is eating away at their paycheck, their standard of living and their future. They are far more concerned with their own economy then the nation’s economy.

The silent majority; those consumers or homeowners you don’t hear about or read about in most media outlets are searching out alternative products and services to get more out of their hard earned income. For many American’s, as far as their personal finances are concerned, are realizing traditional methods of personal finance are weak and inefficient, and may in fact be causing them more harm then good.

A huge segment of the population, primarily the low to mid-age side of the Baby Boomer population is starting to see their future and they don’t like what they see. After following the traditional rules of personal finance their entire lives they’re realizing the low rate, low payment mortgage they got a couple years ago means a mortgage payment well into their seventies. Combine that with an uncertain economic climate going forward and the need for alternative methods and expeditious results become paramount.

In a sampling of website visitors from January 2009 up to today, over 17,000 homeowners have provided us their basic economic information; what they owe, what they spend, their take home pay and what their homes are worth. This is what we know of those 17,000+ visitors: avg age; 47, credit score; 747, equity in their home; 25%, avg monthly take home income; $7973 and they spend $2880 per month on basic needs (food, gas, insurance, etc) Now this is not the type of consumer you hear about in the news. Nor is this the type of consumer looking for a government sponsored program to get them out of a jam. These are the ‘well-to-doer’s’ if you will. They are diligently seeking out smarter answers and better solutions for their long and short term financial concerns. How to eliminate and reduce the high cost of long term debt? How to recover as quickly as possible from the reduced value of their 401(k)? They are not finding the right answers with the traditional, conventional banker or advisor. They are however seeking out fresh ideas and alternative methods of personal finance. They are realizing that if they are going to maintain a desired lifestyle during a retirement that is quickly approaching they need to start seeing more production out of their monthly income. They are realizing that conventional practice put them in this position, so the notion of adopting something new, something outside the box of conventional thought and practice has appeal if the results are favorable.

However to adopt something new, to make a switch, to get to the desired result one critical thing must happen; a paradigm shift needs to occur. I know you have heard “paradigm shift” before, but do you know what the word paradigm means? Don’t feel embarrassed if you don’t, 99% of the population doesn’t either.

Paradigm: a theory or a group of ideas about how something should be done, made, or thought about

If a theory or group of ideas is acted upon and practiced over a period of time they become habit, so in essence a paradigm is a habit. ALL of us operate and function on habits or, in our own paradigm every day. Think about; pretty much everything we do is formed by habit. You can form a habit on your own or a habit can be passed from one generation to the next. Some habits are good, some bad, some we aren’t even aware of and some we just do because that is what we have always done or we just follow the heard. No matter where the habit came from or formed, if we are aware of or discover a habit to be bad and the results of that habitual action are not desirable or in our favor then we need to make a conscious decision to make a paradigm shift in our actions and behaviors.

So the paradigm in context of our finances: the collective and habitual use of long term amortized mortgages, checking accounts, credit cards, 401(k)’s etc; the use of these theories and ideas have landed us in the financial condition we find ourselves in today. Now, if we want our financial condition to ‘shift’ on a national and individual basis, then we need to analyze current practice, thought and ideas (paradigms). Through analysis we will become aware of inherent weaknesses, limitations or fallacies. Identification of such will lead us on a journey to discover alternative process and procedures. Implementation, execution and continued practice will then make the paradigm shift to a better, more efficient model a reality and undoubtedly will create the desired result.

So why does of EVERY financial institution, bank or investment firm continue to push the same old tired products and services? They are stuck and encased in a paradigm. Unfortunately, it will take unforeseen cosmic forces to break their paradigm. Take it from me; I have interviewed hundreds of bank executives and they believe their paradigm was presented by God himself in the 10 Commandments of Banking and Finance: #1 being Thou shall not change thy paradigm. #2 Covet ALL thy customers financial resources. #3 Thou shall flourish by fees.

For individuals and institutions alike: You can continue to do the same thing day after day, year after year and expect different results (Isn't that the definition of insanity?) or you can elect to initiate a paradigm shift in what you are doing today and guarantee yourself the positive results tomorrow. For all you parents out there; if you are too scared or unwilling to make a paradigm shift for yourself, do it for your kids. This country is doomed if the next generation doesn’t do things a little smarter than the generations that proceeded them.

If you want more then you’ll have to change what you are doing now. It really is that simple. And this applies to institution as much as it pertains to the individual. We all have to make a paradigm shift together if we expect the financial direction of our country to change. If ‘our’ personal economies change then the nation’s economy will change. It has to start from the bottom up, so as the opening sentence states and at this stage of our economic evolution; the nation’s economy is far less important than your economy. Get your economy squared away and moving in the right direction and the nations economy will move right along with it. delivers all the consultation, education, coaching and mentoring needed to make a paradigm shift. We provide the educational process of awareness and discovery. The implementation and execution expertise and a guarantee that you can and will achieve projected results. The national economy is in your hands. Are you going to help the paradigm shift or are you going to let the herd dictate your childrens future?

The Truth is in the Proof!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Unity is all it takes

There is great deal of media chatter going on about the recent suspension of foreclosures by the biggest banks in the country. For the most part all the ‘biggies’ have suspended all foreclosure activities in all 50 states. I think every state attorney general is a bit peeved at the financial community. This action was precipitated by the discovery of less-than-thorough conduct on behalf of over-worked and more than likely, less than qualified staff. In conjunction with all the other bank news’ over the past two years, the nations banking community has a permanent reputation as being a primary player in the destruction of our great country.

If indeed every banker in the country is a fraudster and con artist then why are they still in business? Why don’t we simply scalpel them right off the face of the earth and remove this infectious parasite? As opposed to continuing to enable their existence. Let’s not stop there, let’s head to Wall Street. Aren’t they in the same classification and deserve removal? Did you know, in a latest poll, Wall Street executives are expecting a bigger bonus this year than last? Doesn’t that just make your blood boil? These guys are going to receive another bonus when the people whose lives they destroyed are homeless and suicidal? What gives? Why is this happening?

Well, it will continue to happen, again and again, from generation to generation. Why? Because we continue to participate in their little game!!! Hello!

It takes money to make money. Can we all agree to that, at least as it pertain to banking institutions and Wall Street? Well, then you also have to agree with the fact that these institutions don’t really ‘produce’ anything tangible, they simply collect and/or create new paper and then pass it back and forth. But in all reality they don’t produce anything you can feel, touch, see or smell. So what is the real reason these people can garner so much profit and wealth when they don’t provide anything tangible that will improve comfort or sustain life? If there are no raw materials and machinery to produce such abundance then what is their resource? Ok, they produce money which provides the means to 'purchase' something for comfort or sustain life, I get that. But by whose monetary resource are they using to produce their product; the money?

It’s our money!!!!!!!!!!!! We feed the machine. Without us there is no banks. No Wall Street. Cut off the food supply and you destroy the animal. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Quit using the banks? Pull every dime you have in your accounts and on Wall Street and put it in a home safe? Is that the message here? No, no, no. That would be catastrophic: Financial collapse and hundreds of thousands of people out of work. Not a good idea and ill-advised. We need them to sustain what we have built. The products and services they provide are vital to our economy. Let’s keep them, but let’s work with them, work with what they have to offer, let’s just not do it the way they have been teaching us and in their own minds believe they are doing right by us. And they truly believe they are doing right by us. But lets not crucify them during these troubled times. Let’s not just point the finger and blame the ugly monster for our troubles. We are just as culpable as they are. We, the consumer base of this country are guilty of laziness, apathy and complacency. These character defects are as much to blame for this mess as the financial institutions themselves. Let's practice a little humility and account for our part, but in the same breath commit to changing our bad habits.

The point I want to get to is to soften the vilification of the banking community. I really don’t believe ‘these people’ are intentionally trying to destroy us. I believe everything that has happened over the past few years within the financial castle’s of our country have simply brought to light the realization that the current business model is broken. Bottom line; it is a failed business model. The model has become too big, too convoluted, too greedy, controlled by an under educated staff and directed by visionless, non-entrepreneurial bean-counters. The model is failing and it could be easily redirected if there were people who had an interest and a vision for change. Those people don’t exist in the corridors in which they should. Those who run our financial institutions are just following the herd too. They’re just running in a different herd and are following a trail that has been in existence for decades.

Why should we expect anything new from them?

Here is the real issue at hand: it’s a one way relationship with no reciprocation. This is causing the imbalance. They get more out of us then we get from them. News flash: Free checks, online banking and cookies at the teller window DO NOT constitute a mutually beneficial relationship. And the fear that we are all facing is because our side of the scale, the one all we consumers are sitting on is about to bottom out. Once we hit the bottom there is no place else to go; we’re done. We’ll be sitting in our bottomed-out dish looking up at the institutional side of the scale and watching them having a grand old time counting, spending and investing all of the money we supplied them through deposits, interest and fees. Unfortunately, what they don’t see and the consumers don’t realize is that when the consumer side of the scale bottoms out there won’t be anything left to give to the other side. Unless some of that wealth is transferred back to the consumer we will all perish eventually. That’s what our country’s financial business model has produced; a one-way ticket to becoming a third world country. The ONLY way to stop it is the shift the imbalnced financial weight of each respective dish of the scale.

WE (the collective community of American citizenery) can change the financial landscape of this country because we are the shoulders by which the economy rests. Try this; stand in the middle of the room, send your shoulders to one wall and your legs to another. Succeed? Of course not, without unity and balanced alignment between all compnents there is no moving forward. Well, this is exactly what is happening in this relationship we have with the financial institutions of this country. There is no unified effort to move forward because the current model requires a winner and a loser. The winner has us to beleive current practice is in our best interest and actually has the majority feeling like their lives are improved because of the relationship. The loser, you and me, blindly follow along and perpetuate the imbalnce of the financial scales. We will always be on the losing side becasue we continually succumb to the winners insatiable need for more of our resources. And as we continue to be the ultimate enablers to their addiction we will continue to weaken under their strain. There is no mutually beneficial exchange going on between us. This has to change if we expect future generations to enjoy life as it was intended.

Change will come from the bottom up; from the consumer base that feeds this financial machine. Change will occur when there is a commitment to a new direction in financial education and consumerism. Change only occurs when there is a real desire to alter the current path. If that desire exists then analysis and investigation come next. Analysis of the current model; is it really working for you or us as a country? Just because it is the only model you have ever functioned with in, just because you are comfortable with the current model that doesn’t directly translate into being the right one. Investigating other options outside and within the current model needs to take place. Thorough analysis of the discovery must be conducted. The results of analysis must be viewed and assimilated through a clear lens; “yea, but” rebuttals can not be part of the decision process. The numbers and the results, at ALL levels for all participants must be the determining factor. Through this process you might ultimately discover the truth in what I am saying here; the imbalanced relationship you voluntarily participate in with your financial institution is indeed the predominate component dictating the outcome of your financial future.

Only after implementation and long term execution of a new, more efficient model will the results reveal the benefits of change. It might be difficult to start because it takes effort and enduring the discomfort of change, but in the end the ship will alter its path and set a course that benefits all parties. Now, if you multiply your individual results under the current model by hundreds of thousands of American citizens just like you, you will quickly understand why the financial balance of power, at the street level is so institutionally dominate and our position of strength is about as weak as you can get. That balance of power needs to, has to shift if we are to right this ship and get on a course of mutual and equal financial footing.

From this balanced position of coexistence we become unified in our direction. We become unified in the division and use of resources. Unity in practice, and practical application of efficient means and methods will eliminate this hierarchical tree of wealth, power and financial prowess and bring this country back to the dream our forefathers had when they gave us this great republic.

The balance of power can shift. We can coexist on a balanced foundation. WE THE PEOPLE currently possess and control the power to facilitate change. We just need to recognize it and use it, not to stick it to the 'evil empire', but unify the community as a whole. Let’s not quit because it’s too hard or too uncomfortable. Let’s act upon our desire to change. Let’s make a commitment to the generations to follow. The balance of power can shift; it has to. Unity and community is all it takes.

The Truth is in the Proof!